October 18th, 2008
forum n00b
Join Date: October 18th, 2008
Status: No Status
Posts: 3
Ban Appeal: Spicy
Hi Guys, just wondering if it is possible for me to appeal a permanent ban.
If so: I was banned by COLTRON at approximately 9 o'clock eastern time this evening. The server was on the map dod_avalanche and we had about 6-10 people playing during that time. I was being a sniper whore (shame on me) and working on my quick-scoping, no-scoping and pistol accuracy.
After a while, COLTRON began joined spectate. Each time I died he would make a comment to the effect of "needing to get legit" or how a shot that I had made was too good. After this happened a few times, I explained what I was doing and offered to go play on another server if he wasn't comfortable with me playing here. By this time it was 4v3 and I was switching teams whenever one capped out. He didn't respond to me, or I at least didn't see his response. A few minutes later, when I had died again, he said "that's enough for me" and an motd popped us saying that I was banned for cheating/hacking.
I'm sure that COLTRON's a great guy, but I do feel that my permanent banning is an error on his part. The only other program I was running other than Day of Defeat was Powerstrip, and I don't think that's against your server rules. If it is, then it's my fault and I won't use it if I'm allowed back into your server. I also do not have any previous offenses, so it's not as though I have a history of causing trouble.
My playing basically consisted of me camping the church, the allies first flag, and the apartment building that runs between the two gun positions. There are only so many ways that an enemy can come from, and after a while you notice the routes the other players are running. I also play with a headset, which as stupid as it sounds, actually does help you get an idea of where other players are coming from. Between that and the minimap, it's a bit easier to distinguish between friend and foe without looking. COLTRON can attest that I was taken off guard by someone corner camping with an automatic.
Hopefully someone can review the situation and lift my ban but if not, it was still fun playing in your server.