November 9th, 2009
forum n00b
Join Date: November 9th, 2009
Status: No Status
Posts: 3
i'm "kara <3" and the ban list says i was banned on the 8th for cheating/hacking. i honestly have no idea who banned me, it just all of a sudden said "you are banned". if i remember correctly, what happened was i killed someone, i think his record was like 10 - 30 or something like that. he was camping in the red room and i killed him with my pistol from underneath the axis arch, i was using my pistol because i had a bazooka. I used up 2 rounds of my pistol before i finally got him with my last bullet which was a headshot, it was just one of those lucky shots. i'm pretty sure i killed him only once since i honestly don't remember what his name was. i think he said "kara hacker" after that, and all of a sudden i was banned. my record was about 30 - 20 if i'm not mistaken. anyways, the ironic thing is that i enjoy playing on avamods because usually there are no hackers. lol
anyways, i'm not sure if my explanation was exact but i'm sure it's pretty close. i'm also not sure if my explanation constitutes an unban, but i will say that i don't hack! an unban would be great, but you guys are the judges so whatever you guys decide, i won't have a problem with it.