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Zor April 10th, 2011 02:23 PM

Report Abusive Admin
Hey this message is for diamond-optic. Was playing today on the server, haven't been on in long time. Had a player / admin on the server by name CrazyRussian, he is worst acting Ruskie ever met! Hehehe, anyway, he was abusing the Arty Support and calling players down. He also would not shut up on the voice chat, and if someone else tried to talk he would shush them. And last but not least he was wishing there were admins with Ban on so that he could get them to ban ppl.

Anyway, might be on again, certainly not if this thug is on.
Haven't Seen you on DoD Plugins as of late.

diamond-optic April 10th, 2011 04:59 PM

hey zor.. i dont really play or do anything with dod anymore..

but anyway... CrazyRussian is a troll, not an admin.. He wishes he was lol.. If i wasnt too lazy id just put him on auto-gag, but its not really worth the effort since no one really plays dod anymore anyway lol

coltron April 10th, 2011 05:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Zor (Post 24303)
Anyway, might be on again, certainly not if this thug is on.


Originally Posted by Zor (Post 24303)
certainly not if this thug is on.


Originally Posted by Zor (Post 24303)
Crazyrussian; Thug


Originally Posted by Zor (Post 24303)


Zor May 19th, 2011 06:52 AM

LOL Shoulda used Troll I guess. He is definitely very annoying...and he may be using an admin account as he did turn arty support somehow. Ok, ain't playing unless Cougar is on anyway, so I will let you guys deal with him in whatever way.


maj cougar May 19th, 2011 11:08 AM

Ha ha Zor is you played on the server you would know there is a call arty support and you can target it with by binding it with a key. Usually I am the one learning from you to play before but know its the other way.

CrazySniper May 19th, 2011 12:59 PM

OMG thats so awesome
I ve been bringing down retards
they all come cry here

he was abusing the Arty Support
yeah, I abuse arty support when you abuse camping top church..
why don't you tell all the truth?

CrazySniper May 19th, 2011 01:20 PM

Ow I forgot Dear Zor,
I have spread my message in 2 parts in case your brain too tired of reading this much
here is the part 2 (which comes after the part 1)
You want the justice?
make your justice yourself
dont come cry on Admins shoulders
If you want me to STFU,
Make me!
"Wanna make me shut? Ask BuckFutter how!"
What ever you are probably so retarded that you wont understand what he will say
anyways he also can explain it with finger signs

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