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Swabie June 26th, 2005 04:39 PM

hey what do i do with the demos of people that are hacking?
guys name is JD14 or somethin, its clear as day i have a demo of it.

Nic Teh Ninja Nazi June 26th, 2005 04:46 PM

Well you can either A supply his steam id and stuff liek that along with a link to your email so when people ask to see the video they know who to email about.

diamond-optic June 27th, 2005 04:24 PM

you can email me @ ebrass@nycap.rr.com

or get at me on AIM: EricB0584
or MSN: brassard85@hotmail.com

or I also think you can put it in a zip file and attach it to a post/reply on the forums (like if you have access use the team forums, or try it with a PM)..

NOkittyNO June 28th, 2005 04:27 PM

well if you go to the stats page you might find out that camping clan is #1 and if u click on his name scroll down to his identities and it shows you his other names he has used and JD1A is one of them and if you want to ban him his steam IP is there too...

Nic Teh Ninja Nazi June 29th, 2005 12:31 AM

Yea......... but still its not really fair to ban someone because of their score, cause vizzer and noobess would be banned if they went adn played in a server and they based theri hacking beliefs off stats, we need videos(porn free) and screenshots, compress them with winrar and post them!

n00bess June 29th, 2005 08:43 AM

It's funny because I actually do hack.

diamond-optic June 29th, 2005 12:40 PM

lol nic, love the rick james sig..

I just got the season 2 dvds the other day.. great shit lol

but anyways..

I love how whenever im on the server under a diff name.. I always get accused of hacking by soo many ppl.. but then if I have the cdrive tag on.. everyone is like 'nice shot' and shit lol

and even more offtopic...

Garand Butt Stats
soo much distance between me and 2nd place lol..

Nic Teh Ninja Nazi June 29th, 2005 08:03 PM

Yea its funny , i like the DVDs, but tis gay they bleep out titties anyways! WTF!!!

Yea, you can have that one I am going to use this one, i like it 20x better



The Problematic Crack Hoe June 30th, 2005 12:21 PM

Only shit diamond! when I first started playing the server i could of sworn you had some hack that made you garand butt whenever someone was close....hell ya prolly do.

are those the stats ever since the start.

diamond-optic June 30th, 2005 07:23 PM

close to the start.. like a few days after the server was up.. then like a week got skipped somewhere...

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