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diamond-optic July 25th, 2007 10:06 AM

:( well some bad news
the hard drive i was having problems with (delayed write failed errors) worked fine for the past 3 days or so.. not one error.. so i thought it was all fine..

well i got the error last night.. after it stopped popping up, i closed all my programs and windows and rebooted

the drive no longer is accessable :(

shows up as detected in the bios on bootup.. shows up in device manager but is disabled (trying to enable it fails) and it also doesnt show up in my computer/explorer

and since it doesnt want to show up, my data recovery program doesnt see it so i cant select it to try and get any of the data...

i really dont know what to do lol. 500gb drive with less then 100gb free.. has ALL my important stuff on it.. all my server stuff, all my plugins.. my digital camera pictures from the past like 4 years, TONS of music that i would never be able to get again (huge amounts of lossless music, every recorded grateful dead show from 65-69, almost every trey anastasio show from 82-present, just about every show & festival that ive been to), tons of videos that i would never find again.. and just all sorts of important documents and etc etc...

i have no idea what im gonna do if i really cant save any of this data.. it basically makes the new pc a complete waste of money.. cuase if i lose it all.. im definitly done with avamods and all this stuff.. theres NO WAY in hell im starting over from scratch.. just not happening..

tried system restore (tho since the d:\ drive doesnt show up, it pops up errors on starting it anyway, but it also fails to restore the c:\ drive for some reason) lol i just wish there was some magic registry fix so it would just show up and i could try and get the data off it

anyone got any ideas???

diamond-optic July 25th, 2007 11:23 AM

fucking wierd


i tried switching power cables, sata cables & ports.. nothing..

then i took an SATA->IDE convertor i had.. guess what... It works everything seems to be there..

so there must be something wrong with the sata, maybe drivers.. maybe windows needs to be reinstalled.. idk.. but PHEW!!!

HAWKEYE July 25th, 2007 11:35 AM

Yeah...reminds me of my ordeal but i see you had alot more than i did lol

Jonny Automatic July 25th, 2007 11:36 AM

a close cawl eh? methinks a new backup box will be on ur wishlist soon :P

diamond-optic July 25th, 2007 10:24 PM

well im totally confused now...

i uninstalled the nForce chipset drivers.. and the drive works fine... reinstall them, and it stops working again.. makes no sense cuase the drivers have been on all month and worked fine

and nvidia & evga dont seem to be much help..

so looks like i might be stuck buying a 3rd hard drive and reinstalling xp

diamond-optic July 25th, 2007 10:43 PM

maybe i should call THIS guy up..

distraction July 25th, 2007 11:02 PM

Backup everything now!!!!

diamond-optic July 25th, 2007 11:47 PM

i really cant back that much up.. i have no where to put it all.. and I think the drive is pretty much fine now, at least it seems to be lol..

i think im just gonna reinstall windows lol fuck it, well i think lol..

then i would only need to back up a little less then 100gb

Jonny Automatic July 26th, 2007 10:44 AM

haha I wish that pedling would power a pc... :P

xxkrissixx July 26th, 2007 10:47 AM

hehehe ur so funny babu.. nice lil cammy icon babe!8-)

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