yeah... hes been here a week now..We dont leave the bedroom.. just thought Id let all you fags out there know why we arent around, cuz were not gay like you.. were too busy doing
"IT" :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D8-) |
You need to take a break I'm back!
1 Attachment(s)
pics or it didn't happen
ig you trying to see pics of krissi naked i have a real one... no joke
I'm jealous.
I's in your bedroom, recording your shex.
bloody resident aliens, coming over here.... no better than the wetbacks lol..
Johnny, Build me a deck, ill pay you $20 and all the tacos you can eat.. Mind you, I'm sure your tired of taco about now... |
You can atleast see Johnnys not as excited about it as krissi.
I am absolutly disgusted
Wait you have naked pictures of krissi? |
soo? shes typing while your banging?
Yeah, me an Taniqua never leave the bedroom either. She even has a removable tongue.
omg diamond i thank you for the amazing title.. what made you decide to give me a leet thing like that?
i guess you go for more cushion for the pushin..?.. lol you do it inbetween her fat rolls? you know like titty fucking but not?
/roll eyes
someone needs to get past puberty ... lol ur fat = best insult in you're assknull? gj |
just saying... most fat chicks i know are cool to hang out with but i wouldnt have sex with one..maybe oral but thats it. and i'll stop now cause i dont want this thread to get locked
u only do it in the bed room or u do it in the kitchen, shower, living room, garage?
ahh .. you can always count on buck futter to be himself
and that title.. i didnt do that lmao *edit* it gives you that title when you hit 420 posts :P |
and for general information purposes, the photoshopped (horribly done i might add) pic of me is actually skinnier than I am.. Im actually much much fatter than that :D 8-) |
bucks just jealous his cock wouldn't be able to get through to satisfy your needs, and johnny's well... i geuss can...
Do u guys scissor? |
oh really? just thought it fit me well since im and elder and a legend... ragey poo cry less. ty!
This is gona be rough for me to say but i agree with Ragey buck I think its not only uncalled for but mostly rude what you are now a nigger in my book.
but ragey still wants to skull fuck rocket. |
lol goat!
lmao. that shit is funny
well.. to be honest..
i think the fact that this thread was even made is fucking rediculous.. 1) anyone give a shit? 2) you were asking for it 3) anyone give a shit? 4) anyone give a shit? 5) anyone give a shit? 6) anyone give a shit? 7) anyone give a shit? 8) anyone give a shit? 9) anyone give a shit? 10) did i mention that you were asking for it? |
and about others bannin n gaggin i wanna know who those ppl who seriously dislike me, anyway i sense deja vu in this thread from another one awhile back....:-| so one last note from me..make sure to wear protection |
I am happy to gag you or perm ban you... no offense.
why im such a charmin young lad..well i guess u are the Pan master as u called your self before
Inter-clan secks?! I think that's illegal in most states... excluding Idaho and Wyoming, of course.
aww buck... I thought ud like the sig! :D u can put it back.. I actually saved what u orig had, but now i cant find it to put it back the way it was :D hehe sorry! lol
nah i got it nigger.
Woah, interesting thread.
krissi: well I expected alot more from you! how disappointing...
just calm DOWN, ok?? jesus.. |
This is boring the fuck out of me
think bucks hand thread was more interesting
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