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BuLLeT January 31st, 2008 11:11 AM

autocad install
i know i could google this but i gotta get to class....

DAA file, wut do i use to open/run it?


Files in this archive:

lacadp.dll        ;unpacked ACEXTLS library for AutoCAD v23.0.54.0
adlmdll.dll        ;replacement license manager library for AutoCAD v23.0.54.0

_crk.txt        ;this file

How to install:

1. Install AutoCAD 2007 v23.0.54.0
2. Extract libraries to autocad program directory, overwriting original files.

wut do they mean by that? the bold black text...

thanks :))))

diamond-optic January 31st, 2008 05:33 PM


DAA files are yet another disk image file format, invented and used by PowerISO DVD software. This means that a .daa file contains an exact copy of a CD or a DVD
and the other stuff.. i would assume it means install autocad, then copy over those 2 DLL files (DLL = Dynamic Link Library)

BuLLeT February 1st, 2008 01:30 PM

aight thanks Dia, just dl'ed PowerISO to open the DAA files. Let ya know how this works out.

The Punisher February 1st, 2008 01:41 PM

i believe that merits at least a reacharound.

BuLLeT February 1st, 2008 05:02 PM

well the setup.exe runs into missing files.... soo.... now lookin for another torrent

BuLLeT February 4th, 2008 12:41 AM

alright... well so for my own reference for the future or any forum lurkers...


I dled "Autocad 2006 eng + Crack.ISO" and followed the response's from this http://www.btmon.com/Applications/Wi...O.torrent.html

use the trial sn: 000-00000000 first....... then......install>activate now>keygen>insert correct info>use serial: 191-75444444 (working) then done!

I like to have post that end with a solution, hate looking and reading many posts and finally getting to the end with some one just saying "aight i got it to work" and it ends with that.

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