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BuLLeT November 3rd, 2008 05:14 PM

i hope punisher gets his italian head so heated that he needs to go out tonight and get sloppy drunk and beat up someone cause they walked past his girl and said "excuse me"

coltron November 3rd, 2008 05:15 PM

make 30 more rage posts then tell us how you arent mad.

BuLLeT November 3rd, 2008 05:37 PM

lets pretend this is the 30th....

you suck punisher, u r so raged right now. and im not mad.

HAWKEYE November 3rd, 2008 06:58 PM

this is the best e-fight ever, we only need snipersquad

BuLLeT November 3rd, 2008 07:48 PM

punny... route 110 @ 9:30 10 pm tonight at the Dunkin donuts between the LIE and Northern state. Be there lets settle this face to face. e-fighting is lame. lemme know if your down i get outta class like 9;30ish.
send me a message (wink)*

HAWKEYE November 3rd, 2008 09:01 PM

lol i gotta see this

akula November 3rd, 2008 10:11 PM

so who do you think won?

timmy! November 3rd, 2008 10:13 PM

i think it's a front their really meeting to have hot man sex.

buck_futter November 3rd, 2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Punisher (Post 19576)
awwww the baby brother is sticking up for the older brother thats soooo cute.

do you fight all his battles? if someone steals his lunch money do you go take care of it?

no not really just trying to prove i'm more of a dick than you.

The Punisher November 4th, 2008 12:30 AM


you dont need to prove that im sure everyone knows...

lol bullet is soooo raged. if you really wanna fight i have no problem with it lol but tonight i was busy sorry i didnt see it until i got home.

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