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ssjunkie December 11th, 2011 07:55 PM

A good day to check in
hey guys, im just thought i should check in with you guys. how are things going and have you found any good games that you enjoy?
myself is having the best day of my life, this was the last day of pissing in cups and i just took some koks, it feels like im laying in a bath in sparkling water and im just having a good time, so how are you right now? thought that it would be a good thing to start this thread and kinda get together and talk about random stuff like we did on the server. :)

diamond-optic December 12th, 2011 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by ssjunkie (Post 24756)
and i just took some koks

you spelled cocks wrong

ssjunkie December 12th, 2011 03:04 AM

meant to type in "chode"

buck_futter December 12th, 2011 06:22 PM

HI! im doing okay. looks like im getting laid off from my one job..but SWTOR is playable for me on the 15th. so thats nice!

PS what server are we playing on guys?

HAWKEYE December 13th, 2011 04:03 PM

been playing bf3 off and on.. thats about it

Koroshiya Ichi December 15th, 2011 06:28 PM

been playing a porn game for Atari!!!

coltron December 15th, 2011 10:34 PM

cathouse blues? beat em and eat em? Custers revenge? (these are all real porn games on atari emulator we had at my high school)

worst dod player ever December 18th, 2011 01:31 PM

Drugs are bad mmkay..

atari, wth?

Just been playing league.

ssjunkie December 19th, 2011 01:26 AM

they screwed up league, i stoped playing that shit now.. "akali is op, better nerf irelia"..

buck_futter January 13th, 2012 02:48 AM

i miss you guys :(

Koroshiya Ichi February 20th, 2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by coltron (Post 24762)
cathouse blues? beat em and eat em? Custers revenge? (these are all real porn games on atari emulator we had at my high school)

Knight on the Town lol

buck_futter March 14th, 2012 11:52 PM

sooooo... how is everyone doing??

HAWKEYE March 15th, 2012 08:37 PM

same shit... have not really played anything at all lol

buck_futter March 19th, 2012 10:17 PM

is the party room available tomorrow?

kling March 21st, 2012 03:06 PM

Ummm.....I still hate niggers and im confused as to why i cant play anymore. without avamods my days have no meaning and i beat my children for no reason at all. I hate niggers

buck_futter March 22nd, 2012 05:45 PM

hi kling!

coltron March 23rd, 2012 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by kling (Post 24821)
Ummm.....I still hate niggers and im confused as to why i cant play anymore. without avamods my days have no meaning and i beat my children for no reason at all. I hate niggers

ha i can still read this in your voice..

i miss you faggots:D

diamond-optic March 24th, 2012 08:58 PM

there aint shit to fucking play anymore.. seems every server on every game considers its self 'family friendly' lol wtf is that.. ive been banned from so many tf2 servers in the past few weeks... just got banned on one for saying our medic sucks.. And got banned on the iO servers for asking if Attack is still with iO and an iO member told me it was non of my business lmao wtf so they then banned me for asking the guy if his life sucked since he was both gay and a nigger lol.. tf2 just sucks ass now.. seems everyone has advanced custom/paid for weapons that are OP vs any of the stock stuff, not to mention the servers with the cheating admins (like admins always crit lol.. what fucking noobs)

whats everyone playing now days? im tempted to try and get a little avamods get together going and throw up a small server for us to play on some night

buck_futter March 25th, 2012 01:48 PM

i just play WoW..and thats only when my arena team is on..ive somewhat been socializing..and i unno about diablo 3. tried playing some dod like a month back..but no meth was annoying haha

diamond-optic March 25th, 2012 04:46 PM

ya wow is getting boring again lol.. and i just got refused by an icc25 normal because my average unbuffed dps in icc25 is too low... even tho im a tank.. my dps when tanking usually isnt even the lowest one yet I got denied lol

not to mention i have no idea what my average unbuffed dps in icc25 is anyway.. why would I be running icc25 with no buffs? told them last time i bothered to look at dps while tanking I was around 4k dps while buffed and they said thats way too low lol.. and being strict on their avg dps requirement (and they wouldnt tell me what number they want) is retarded... most ppl will probably lie and besides you can do 20k dps on one fight, yet do only 5k on another.. and im still confused as to why they think ppl will know their avg dps in a raid without buffs lol

HAWKEYE March 25th, 2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by diamond-optic (Post 24826)
ya wow is getting boring again lol.. and i just got refused by an icc25 normal because my average unbuffed dps in icc25 is too low... even tho im a tank.. my dps when tanking usually isnt even the lowest one yet I got denied lol

not to mention i have no idea what my average unbuffed dps in icc25 is anyway.. why would I be running icc25 with no buffs? told them last time i bothered to look at dps while tanking I was around 4k dps while buffed and they said thats way too low lol.. and being strict on their avg dps requirement (and they wouldnt tell me what number they want) is retarded... most ppl will probably lie and besides you can do 20k dps on one fight, yet do only 5k on another.. and im still confused as to why they think ppl will know their avg dps in a raid without buffs lol


buck_futter March 25th, 2012 06:47 PM

well they obvi need you to pull like 7k+ as tank to make up for their friends that dont know how to do rotations buy get ebay epics.

diamond-optic March 25th, 2012 10:08 PM

lol.. i love when you see a caster sitting at full mana yet attacking with a wand

kling March 25th, 2012 10:40 PM

An ava reunion sounds good. I would love to be able to say nigger out loud again. And again and again.

kling March 25th, 2012 10:42 PM

How long have i been in africa?

HAWKEYE March 26th, 2012 09:06 PM

The forum king has returned.

coltron March 27th, 2012 11:47 PM

fuck yeah do that ill install and play if you do

diamond-optic March 28th, 2012 12:58 AM

i think i found myself a nice buddy on wow lol.. said he'll donate for gear and shit for me if i pay him with gold, I guess he donated for shadowmourne for a guy in return for a chopper.. so thats what, 14k? 15k? for shadowmourne.. I have probably around 400k gold spread around my toons and guilds and my warrior definitely needs an armor pen trinket as well as a whole mess of stuff on the other ones lol

buck_futter March 29th, 2012 06:06 PM

haha you should easily be able to deck out 3 chars with all that gold!

ssjunkie April 1st, 2012 08:58 AM

Ive started playing in a tpg team, all the dod pubs sucks so..

Trix April 1st, 2012 12:44 PM

whats up you losers??? me and my boyfriend just bought a new place and I have internet again now, im ready to own you all again

HAWKEYE April 1st, 2012 03:08 PM


kling April 8th, 2012 02:01 PM

your boyfriend better not be a nigger.... and im jealous

diamond-optic April 8th, 2012 10:56 PM

Koroshiya Ichi April 10th, 2012 08:10 PM


TheGreaterGood April 23rd, 2012 11:39 AM

I lold

Fistab0b: dude i got admin at the fury server and shit
AvaMods|Col^: lol
AvaMods|Col^: what a urprise
AvaMods|Col^: hahah
AvaMods|Col^: thats cool tho
AvaMods|Col^: ban people
AvaMods|Col^: does dude where my kar play there
Fistab0b: ive played there for 2 months and ever since i helped their tpg team out from open they gave me admin
AvaMods|Col^: or russian
Fistab0b: yep he goes in there and i banned him lmao
AvaMods|Col^: hahahaha
AvaMods|Col^: yes!
Fistab0b: i put the reason to cheers from avamods
Fistab0b: hahaha

kling April 29th, 2012 08:32 PM

kill it

diamond-optic May 1st, 2012 06:42 PM

Fowl Space

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