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diamond-optic December 1st, 2012 04:31 AM

what are some decent games?

I havent really played much lately. There was the occasional sleeping dogs & borderlands 2.. and now I just started playing Far Cry 3, kind of disappointed with it so far, I dont think it really looks that good...

HAWKEYE December 1st, 2012 08:18 PM

Dishonered was alright

diamond-optic December 1st, 2012 11:26 PM

ya i downloaded that a few days ago but havent done anything with it

buck_futter December 2nd, 2012 01:35 AM

im playing pandas and CS:GO every now and then...patch just came out.. they supposedly "nerfed" mages.. they didnt...

diamond-optic December 2nd, 2012 10:01 PM

far cry 3 doesnt seem to be much of an improvement over far cry 2 (tho as much potential that fc2 had it ended up being pretty bad after the first hour or two.. this so far is at least a little better) ...but it seems to be quite a bit like just cause 2, but maybe worse graphics.. and if not worse, theyre definitely not 2.5yrs worth of improvement when compared to jc2... Im not far into FC3 yet so i cant exactly say, but jc2 seemed to be a bigger world and flying was a major thing.. idk if fc3 is as large or has flying (other then the hang glider ive found so far) but i kind of want to go back to playing jc2 again now instead lol

i still feel like crysis captured the jungle better then fc3.. and crysis was what, 2009? games in 2012 should be crysis level or better.. i just dont get it.. theres almost like visual 'glitches' that arent glitches per-say, but more like they didnt bother to make it more realistic... the plants & grass just look and act like shit.. barely anything in the world reacts to bullets, explosions, etc.. and most of the things that do dont seem to use any sort of physics, just makes the world seem artificial

then again im sure consoles are a major factor that held fc3 back in terms of pc... and a console port is always obvious when the first thing you see when starting the game is 'this game saves automatically, do not turn your system off when the save icon is on screen' ...cause you know, ppl just hit the power button on their pcs in the middle of games when theyre done like console fags do lol...

maybe if the next gen consoles would freakin come out, pc games wouldnt be held back by super outdated console tech... (even tho current pcs are more powerful then the next gen consoles already lol)


and i havent even logged onto wow in like a month.. proud of myself lol. Shit just got super boring, and ever since becoming a GM on the server i played on it was just annoying as hell to even log on.. Wonder if they took my GM away for not playing anymore.

worst dod player ever December 4th, 2012 09:25 PM

Just playing league of legends these days. A small handful of tf2 games and battlefield 3 the last 6 months or so. Nothing out there even looks remotely interesting to me.

diamond-optic December 6th, 2012 07:36 PM

well this is ridiculous... my new board is an asus board and Ive had nothing but problems with it from day one (shuts off on its own, cpu & mobo temp sensors freeze up or report negative numbers, pci slot doesnt line up with the case so sound card cant be screwed to the case) and now apparently to get it replaced I have to pay for shipping of the new board to me and for the old board to them, plus a $10 processing fee...

just complete bs that I have to pay all this extra money to get a replacement for a board that hasnt worked right since day one

and trying to call them to bitch about this to a supervisor and i get put on hold for hours

HAWKEYE December 12th, 2012 10:08 PM

Been fooling around with FC3 , not bad so far.

diamond-optic December 13th, 2012 04:46 AM


this shit is actually legit lol, got metro 2033 downloading on steam right now..

just had to allow the facebook app which i just removed right after getting the code lol.. i assume theyre hoping if they give the game away somehow more ppl will buy the new one coming out

diamond-optic December 21st, 2012 06:45 PM

is this how you get your mounts buck?


coltron December 24th, 2012 10:21 AM

Im like halfway through far cry 3 and its pretty good kinda like skyrim with guns.

diamond-optic December 25th, 2012 02:03 AM

i think im right at the end now, kind of wish i didnt take everything over because theres only a few places with guys to kill except my own guys and civs.

also got it looking much better, did a few tweaks to the config and also got gpu downsampling to work so now the game thinks im running at 1920x1200 when im actually at 1680x1050. still trying to get driver forced AA working because the ingame msaa rapes my fps, but with aa off and fxaa on, it still looks pretty good and im getting 50+ fps

Hugo Chavez January 6th, 2013 07:46 PM

i play black ops 2 now on ps3, but it sucks a lot lol

-sry for bad english

coltron January 9th, 2013 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Hugo Chavez (Post 24933)
i play black ops 2 now on ps3, but it sucks a lot lol

-sry for bad english

there was no bad english in your post. Stop saying youre sorry no one can hear your accent on the internet.

And yes cawadoody sux

diamond-optic March 7th, 2013 04:05 AM

started playing tomb raider tonight.. only played for a little while but so far it doesnt seem to bad.

looks pretty good and runs pretty well too, everything at max except fxaa, their fxaa looks suprisingly good so i didnt even try ssaa yet.

and i also have TressFX off, drops my fps from 60+ to like 2 lol

hopefully a driver will improve the TressFX enough where i can use it, video of it on looks so much better. but it seems to be an nvidia issue.. not surprising i guess since they worked with amd this time around instead, guess its nvidia users turn as it seems to usually be amd that gets shafted when game devs work with nvidia

even ppl with 690s or tri-sli 680s are having the same issue (tho a bit better then 2 fps lol) ...i would be super pissed if i was only getting 20fps with $1000+ gpu setup when it seems amd cards (like the 7970 which is probably almost half the price) take only a small hit from enabling it...

even so, im suprised at how well my lil 460 is handling it (as i avoid crysis 3 cause im worried ill have to run low settings lol)

diamond-optic March 7th, 2013 07:44 PM

ok messed around with it a bit more just now.. and with tressfx enabled im up to about 10fps (+/- 5 depending on the angle im looking at lara) ...and even tho 10fps is kind of too low to make any judgements, it doesnt look nearly as good as it seemed to look in videos. Maybe just the full screen and looking more closely made the difference, but some things with it just look bad, like the gap of several inches between her shoulders and her hair when the hair should be resting right on her shoulders..

Also now ive seen a lot of ppl complaining that it makes her hair look more like shes underwater then in the wind, but hard to tell cause at 10fps its in slow motion to begin with. And it does seem to make her hair look 'clean' ..like all shiney and fresh like she just washed it... while the rest of her is covered in mud and blood

im still trying to get the Exclusive Fullscreen option to fucking work, "Failed to initialize Direct3D with current settings" everytime with it enabled, and it seems the majority of people get the same error, which makes no sense when EF is enabled by default.. Ive seen a few work arounds that are supposed to get it to work (and most of those ppl claim they get some extra fps with EF enabled) but the ones ive tried havent worked for me and some other ones are just too much effort lol


lol just read a thread with a bunch of ppl pointing out how some effects show up when you run the game windowed but dont show up when its full screen.. lol wtf

diamond-optic March 8th, 2013 03:25 AM

CrazySniper March 12th, 2013 10:50 PM

I can almost smell the odor of "burning wet cloth" while watching this shit

I like the 2 wigga aswell they look gangsta ......not.

diamond-optic May 15th, 2013 03:48 AM


coltron May 22nd, 2013 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by diamond-optic (Post 25080)

this is pretty much the only new game im excited for, ive been playing this some

coltron May 22nd, 2013 01:43 PM


diamond-optic May 23rd, 2013 08:16 PM

ahhhhhh i want this!! (evga gtx 780 superclocked)


..apparently around 40% faster then the 680

...and im quite suprised only 3gb version so far, tho i would expect them to drop a 5gb version eventually

$660 is still steep in my eyes for a video card lol, but i really need to replace my 460 SC, I'll probably end up having to settle with a 770 (if they release a 3gb version, as i dont even want to settle with 2gb) which will still be beast compared to my 460 even tho the 770 is just a glorified 680

coltron July 20th, 2013 01:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
just started the deadpool game and its hilarious.

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