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vizzer April 24th, 2005 11:31 AM

O Ya We Like It

vizzer April 24th, 2005 11:32 AM



urbanwarrior April 24th, 2005 11:55 AM

vizzer wtf is that?

vizzer April 24th, 2005 04:08 PM

they're for a contest i entered

urbanwarrior April 24th, 2005 06:09 PM

you took em?

i think i've seen a couple you took b4 awhile back, i think it was some dude with a skateboard lol in the words of pope "good stuff".

vizzer April 24th, 2005 07:01 PM

thanks lol

yeah, that dude with the skateboard was akrama :P

The Problematic Crack Hoe April 24th, 2005 07:08 PM

whos the homo on the box?

urbanwarrior April 24th, 2005 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by vizzer
that dude with the skateboard was akrama :P

hahahahaha i knew that guy looked kinda gay i knew it :D

vizzer April 24th, 2005 10:19 PM

the guy on the box's name is andrew.. dunno how that helped you but ok :D

Damian June 27th, 2005 05:17 AM


I just want to state for the fact right here and now that I have never and do not ever plan on hacking. I've been playing this game since 3.0 beta, been in STA and CAL. Avalanche is such an easy map, and I've played it more than any other one out there. So everything is in my head bout the map, so if I come around a corner, I already know where to aim. Plus I always aim a bit through walls before I come out so it's easier for me to hit my target. Wether I know someone is there or not usually I will fire. Urban, ur a regualr player on that server. After playing with u, I know ur basic strats, and where u go. I learn when I play the game. Someone like u always goes through the apartments. Another good example of learnig is standing sex, he likes to chill out in the W crack all the time. So that is why 9 times out of 10 when I come around a corner u'll usually be there so I prefire or fire through walls.

I am totally against hacking, it just pisses me off that people have to resort to that cause they suck at the game so badly. I am always looking out for hackers, I'm pretty good at picking them out. I'm one of the people that r out there in the big fight against it. I am a proud member of www.steambans.com. http://www.steambans.com/team.php?teamid=3249 if u want to check it out for urself.
I am reopening this topic just to reinerate that I DO NOT HACK. Too many people have been calling random hacks on me lately. I even had caparzo pm me on AIM bitching and whining to get my hacks off the server. Also, I do believe that Praetorian was getting little bit pissed off and wanted to call hacks on me, but he just up and left in middle of us going one on one. Like I have said before, I have more expereince playing this game than most of you. I have been playing for around 4 years, so yeah ok thanks.

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