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HAWKEYE June 30th, 2007 06:04 PM


Well in my free time I've been makin some videos and heres one I just finished. Hope you guys like it:D

Oh and make sure you blast the volume!

mein gott July 1st, 2007 12:03 AM

ack hate the music, yer need some proper reich music in there

HAWKEYE July 1st, 2007 12:51 PM

I didnt want to use panzerlied, didnt think people would get the feeling.

mein gott July 1st, 2007 01:54 PM

panzerlied was written for these monsters.

Whether it storms or snows
Whether the sun shines upon us
The day burning hot
Or the night freezing cold
Dusty are our faces
But happy we are at heart
We're at heart
Our tank roars ahead
Along with the storm wind

With thundering engines
Fast as a lightning bolt
The enemy engaging
Within our armor plates
Come on comrades
In the battle, all alone
We stand all alone
That's how we strike deep
Into the enemy's ranks

When an enemy tank
Appears ahead of us
Full throttle is given
And we close with the foe
It's not our life we value
For the army of our state
Yes army of our state
For to die for Germany
Is our highest honour

With obstacles and tanks
The enemy blocks our path
We laugh about it
And simply pass them by
And if we are threatened by guns
Hidden in the yellow sand
In the yellow sand
We find ourselves a path
That no one else found

And if we are abandoned
By that unfaithful luck
And if we don't return
To our homeland again
If a bullet strikes us down
If our fate calls upon us
Yes our fate upon us
Then for us the tank will be
An honorable grave

HAWKEYE July 1st, 2007 05:10 PM

I guess i'll make a different version with panzerlied as the backround music:)(gonna take a while...)

Jonny Automatic July 1st, 2007 07:37 PM

why are the crazy frog bros in the post film relates? :o

- kimmy - July 4th, 2007 03:29 PM

nice job ;) . . . . where have i hurd this music b4


HAWKEYE July 4th, 2007 08:13 PM

ty.. Medal of honor

HAWKEYE July 14th, 2007 08:26 PM

Well since i lost my videos and shit... I was thinking is it possible to take the raw video file off youtube and if it is does anyone now how?... Cause i dont want to press every button:P

HAWKEYE July 14th, 2007 11:50 PM


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