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mein gott November 14th, 2008 05:10 PM

velly good!!!
Just read the comments!


Looks like she was sodomized by the ugly stick.

And after the stick was done, he smoked a cigarette while he called over his friends, borderline disfigured stick and Jesus WTF is that stick. Then borderline disfigured stick and Jesus WTF is that stick double penetrated her anally while ugly stick throat fcked her.

The Punisher November 14th, 2008 07:15 PM

lol omg thats hysterical owned.

buck_futter November 14th, 2008 09:40 PM


You know you're girlfriend is ugly right?
lol my favorite

The Punisher November 14th, 2008 10:45 PM

she really is a putrid creature

BuLLeT November 15th, 2008 12:20 AM


Did you hit the bitch in the face with the car before you took the pictures?

what kind of ****ing creature did i just look at?

I just made you girlfriend 100x more attractive

Might need to put the dog down though

LOL then some of the gifs on page 21 LOL!!

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