i hate how now days everything has a billion led's and shit all over it.. and it seems most of its lights are 'retard lights' ..as in stuff that any person who knows even a little about PCs would already know about from either common sense or from the bios settings, like if you need lights to tell you if your voltage is 'normal/high/crazy' lol.. you probably shouldnt change it from the stock voltage to begin with.. plus i just dont get it to begin with.. how many ppl are looking in their case at their mobo to see the lights on it lol.. and if youre doing out of case benching, you probably already know what youre doing and the lights are just bling bling cause youre cool lol
and he says that the board beeping when theres no video card is a 'cool feature' that the board has.. i dont think ive ever owned a board that doesnt beep when theres no gpu installed (except ones with onboard video too)
..hmm i cant seem to find the older evga video from this past spring with their LN2 cooling, pretty sweet to see an iceberg with cables and shit coming out of it haha, plus i think they broke every 3dmark record with it.. tho LN2 isnt too useful outside benchmarking lol.. but running at like -180 celcius is pretty sweet lol
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
Last edited by diamond-optic; July 7th, 2010 at 08:56 PM.