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diamond-optic February 14th, 2008 10:56 AM

ahhhhhhhhhh what a mess hahahha
lol so some of you might be wondering what exactly happened and everything with krissi, tho im sure youve all probably heard or figured it out... but heres a brief summary from my point of view...

..krissi had been bitching to me for months because i wouldnt give her admin on the website/forums & give her more admin on the server.. And she would go on and on about it saying how awful i am to her and how disrespectful it is that i wont give her more access..

she also said the same things all the time about me 'ignoring' her when i wouldnt respond to her IMs when i was at work or sleeping and had an away msg up...

then she found out that coltron has a little more access then others on the server (it really isnt much at all lol, and i dont see anyone else having a heart attack over it) and she flipped out on me.. and started going off about how awful i am and how coltron having more admin is me punishing her.. yada yada

so she started trashing coltron as well as me (tho i was used to her trashing me for the most rediculous things) so i showed some of the stuff to coltron because it was quite funny lol and she got even more pissed off at me and said she was quiting avamods.. was gonna get her own server.. and download all my plugins and copy the server..

not to mention she said she was gonna get everyone to come play on hers because EVERYONE COMES TO AVAMODS TO PLAY WITH KRISSI lol.. not because they like the server but solely because of krissi.. she said she's the only reason the server is popular and that there would be no avamods without her.. so after that i basically had it set in my head that she was gone..

THEN! she got all pissed at me again because ppl were 'finding out' that she 'quit' when apparently saying she quit and getting her own server didnt really mean she quit.. Not to mention she stopped wearing the AvaMods| tag and she left the steam community group... i mean wtf.. if thats not quiting lol what is??

she then said she was making a clan and wanted it to be part of avamods lol... in otherwords let me start my own clan but have it be part of avamods so i can leech off the popularity. I also looked at that as an attempt to 'gain more power' in avamods since i wouldnt just give her more admin for no reason... of which there was no way i was going for that.. i mean come on.. does she really think im that stupid?

and of course that means jonny is gone too.. for one, i dont like jonny at all.. not to mention the only reason he was really in avamods was because of krissi.. and he never seemed to give a shit about what i said or wanted or anything, not that the rest really do either but they at least seem to respect me enough.. nor did he ever say a word to me on the server if i said hi or anything to him and quite often he would leave everytime i joined while he was on.. and theres no way i would let him have admin anyway after what krissi is doing...

and its such bullshit that theyre saying shit like you cant be in avamods if you have anything to do with something else...

theres a big difference between say being in another clan.. and saying you quit, getting your own server.. trashing avamods, some of our members, and myself... then telling different stories to different people.. Several people have already realized that lol.. Like for one thing, saying she got the server so she could play somewhere without coltron 'abusing' her.. thats funny cause she got the server before any of that stuff with coltron happened.. then saying she never said shit bout avamods, when shes been calling us the gestapo lol... hmm what about how she msg's me saying she never said shit about me, yet she PM'd people saying she doesnt talk shit bout avamods, only the asshole that runs it (which pretty much would be me right lol?)

im sure you can go and ask any non-noob server admin/clan leader what they would do and they probably would have done more then that lol.. and i did actually ask a couple on their opinions and they basically all said that as soon as she said she 'quit' they would have removed all her access and removed her from the members list

so anyway.. hope that clears up any ideas that she might have put out there about how much of an asshole i am about all this stuff or whatever various different reasons/stories shes telling people

HAWKEYE February 14th, 2008 03:45 PM

man literally what a mess lol

ucubed February 14th, 2008 04:47 PM

it wouldn't take long to clean it up

coltron February 14th, 2008 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 14653)
it wouldn't take long to clean it up


craig.gates February 14th, 2008 05:39 PM

can i have god mode :P

ill blow dia again :)

diamond-optic February 14th, 2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by craig.gates (Post 14655)
can i have god mode :P

if i say no are you gonna go nuts about how disrespectful i am to you? and how im going out of my way to intentionally hurt your feelings?

craig.gates February 15th, 2008 02:28 AM

yes and i will bitch about every admin here ya gimp:P hahahaha ello dia had a good time whilst away?

diamond-optic February 15th, 2008 02:40 AM

yes i did.. :)

diamond-optic February 15th, 2008 10:25 AM

ahhh since quite a few people have suggested that this post be made public.. here it is :D

buck_futter February 15th, 2008 12:10 PM

lol.. uhh was she rammed up on heroin or drunk when she was talking smack about how she makes avamods popular? you know its all me.

but this made me lmao..literally

ps ty for new sig quote!

PPS am i in now?

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