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diamond-optic May 23rd, 2008 03:24 AM

forum updates..
well i updated the forums to the latest version of vbulletin..

and with this update, it breaks a lot of stuff in the theme, so instead of bothering to fix it.. i think im just going to do a new theme over the next couple days. Its time for a change anyway

so there will be some things that arent right or dont work on this theme but it shouldnt be anything major

buck_futter May 23rd, 2008 03:21 PM

plus you dont wanna look like popes car site right?

diamond-optic May 23rd, 2008 05:11 PM

lmao ya people cant stop copying what i do

distraction May 23rd, 2008 09:07 PM

Fuck! Even in the future nothing works!

The Punisher May 24th, 2008 01:45 PM

i think the forums look alot cooler

distraction May 24th, 2008 09:45 PM

I think your mom looks a lot cooler after bathing in my jizz.

The Punisher May 25th, 2008 10:45 AM

thats not very nice...

but for the record....how long did it take for you to fill an entire bathtub with ur jizz?

velocity May 25th, 2008 12:45 PM


buck_futter May 25th, 2008 07:48 PM

ugly layout...i like d2jsps default layout the best!...

The Punisher May 25th, 2008 10:13 PM

i like it...its different.

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