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diamond-optic July 22nd, 2008 03:19 AM

Stats Images
if you goto your profile page on the server stats you can now get the code for an image with your statistics


timmy! July 22nd, 2008 11:25 AM

Awesome! right after I fall out of the top 3....

diamond-optic August 13th, 2008 10:04 PM

i changed the subfolder the stats are in so you gotta change the link for the images if youre already using them..

there should be two things you gotta change (one for the link and one for the image itself)

for the old setup, they should look something like this: http://stats.avamods.com/stats31/....
but the new setup doesnt have the 31, so you gotta change it to look like: http://stats.avamods.com/stats/

or you can just go to your profile and get it again, tho technically im still trying to get a few things working with the display on the profiles and ive got an updated version i need to merge into the current so they might be a little messed up on there right now

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