AvaMods 4.o
Since 10.27.2011 youve been lost... confused.. and lonely... Every night you have dreamed about the return of AvaMods... In early 2013 it seemed too good to be true, an AvaMods 3.o beta was happening.. Then nothing.. Your hopes of playing on AvaMods again drifted away....
BUT WAIT!!!! ....whats this??? AvaMods 4.o ????? Is this real??? is it just another dream??? have I died and gone to heaven?? AvaMods 4.o IS REAL!!!! We are officially back! Since 04.22.2014 AvaMods has been running their old Modified DoD 1.3 server again!! Check it out here: (using server.avamods.com *should* also work as well...) Help us build it back up to the legendary server that it was all those years ago.. But remember, since it has been a long time it will take us a bit to get it back to the state it once was. So please have patience with us as we iron out any issue and resolve any conflicts. But dont worry, we are dedicated to delivering the AvaMods experience as you recall it from years ago... |
Im currently in the (slow) process of getting the stats back up to date. This is definitely going to take a while.... As of posting this, I just started processing the logs from feb 2007.. And as the dates progress the log files become larger as the server became more popular, so its pretty safe to say every month that gets processed will take longer then the previous month. (and Jan 2007 took almost 5 hours to finish lol)
I wish I knew a way to speed up the stats script, but I dont.... Eventually the stats will go all the way back to November 2005.... *edit 05.03.2014* almost done with 2008.. the logs are huge now, taking 7-8hrs for each month! |
Thanks very much for bringing the server back up !!! I'm really psyched, can't wait to download Steam and DoD again To play ! LOL
Ahhhh those great memories <3 |
I played yesterday with some guys, it was awesome
wow holy crap , so dod is broken on windows 7. a fix anyone?
it works fine on windows 7.. youre broken
at some point steam changed the directory structure for hl1 stuff.. at least for me it changed lol...
it used to be ../steam/steamapps/username/day of defeat/dod/ ..or something like that now its in ../steam/steamapps/common/half-life/dod/ steam *tried* to copy my stuff to the new location one day or something but it screwed it all up and I lost most of my custom stuff and things were a bit messed up.. i ended up renaming my dod folder and letting steam download it again, im yet to try and copy all the old stuff that was intact into the new folder, but it does work |
Are you ready for the bhop by the mighty cage/junkie again tubby? |
do i get admins? :p
You have been permanently banned from all AvaMods discussions.
You have been banned by a forum moderator. Reason: "KILL YOURSE;F" ok... |
??? wheres it say that
the steam group page
no one likes me |
oh lol i didnt even know you could ban people from that..
..and i just went to the steam page and that shit looks way different now then when i was last on it lol |
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lies |
Diamond how do i get ahold of you i need to tell you something
ركلة في الباب، موجة من أربعة وأربعين.
كل ما سمعت كان بوبا لا أميل يؤذيني لا أكثر سوريا هو لنا العراق هو لنا إيران هو لنا تركيا هو لنا سوف يكون لنا بثروة سوف يكون لنا الغرب بقية ستكون لنا أيضا حتى يموت يموت يموت نيغا الكلبة العاهرة أكل لحم الخنزير الخاص بك والفاصوليا الدهون خنزير أمريكية. مشاهدة الخاص بك الشاطئ جيرسي والعسل بو بو سخيف الحمار إلى الفم. خنزير الساذج الدهون إيزيس لديها طائرة مصنوعة من البلاستيك واضح. غير مرئية لرؤية .. نحن تحلق فوق أنت الامهات مع الأحمال قنبلة من جيز-م مجد حفرة المجد حفرة تدمير أمريكا تبادل لاطلاق النار كل يوم في مجد حفرة الانفجار الدوي على وجهها الانفجار الدوي على حلمته الانفجار الدوي في حفرة لها الرطب الانفجار الدوي في بلدها الجاف حفرة أمريكا الموت بطل المجد حفرة المجد حفرة المحارب محمد مجد حفرة المجد حفرة الله الله الله سبحان الله المجد حفرة الله الله مجد الله آمين |
1 Attachment(s)
lol Kick in the door, a wave of forty-four. All I heard was Bubba dont hurt me no more, Syria is ours Iraq is our Iran is ours Turkey is for us will be our wealth will be our West rest will be ours also even die die die nigga bitch bitch Eat your pork and beans fat American pig. Show your Jersey Shore, honey boo boo fucking ass to mouth. Pig fat slob Isis has a plane made of clear plastic. Invisible to see .. We are flying over you moms with loads bomb from a short-m glory hole glory hole destroying America shoot every day in the glory hole bang bang on her face bang bang on her tits bang bang in her hole wet bang explosion in the dry her Pit America Death champion glory hole glory hole warrior Mohammed glory hole glory hole Allah Allah Hallelujah Glory hole of God the glory of God , Amen |
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