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diamond-optic September 26th, 2006 07:35 PM

reserved slots
Find up to date details HERE

Feel free to ask any questions or make suggestions in this thread, or contact me thru email, aim, msn, pm, etc...

xxkrissixx September 26th, 2006 09:09 PM

Excellent idea...

BIG_red September 30th, 2006 11:59 AM

um...diamond...im kinda po at the moment....but im mailing risk an almost brand new 25$ headset :)

can that go towards donations?

risK September 30th, 2006 12:22 PM


velocity October 18th, 2006 08:00 PM

That shits wack yo, once I get my steam account fixed/a new account i'm gonna buy one

Aequitas October 19th, 2006 09:54 AM

i <3 my reserved slot.

Jonny Automatic October 20th, 2006 03:44 PM

what happens if everyone had a res slot? ^^ just hypotheticly speaking...
would there be a !MELTDOWN! causing Dia's stress levels to go thru the roof?

diamond-optic October 20th, 2006 08:59 PM

if everyone had a res. slot.. which would be a couple 1000 people at least.. then i think i'd be able to afford a whole bunch more servers lol

Aequitas October 20th, 2006 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by diamond-optic
if everyone had a res. slot.. which would be a couple 1000 people at least.. then i think i'd be able to afford a whole bunch more servers lol

Haha, good we could get one that doesn't have hill on it! Trix would never come to it :(

BIG_red October 21st, 2006 07:11 PM

dude...we need an overflow server anyways....so advertise the reserved slots on the server itself....like...in the thing where it says "u lack a reserved slot, but u can buy one at www.teamcdrive.com" mhm, thatd be a good idea. but the servers full almost all of the time it is, yes.

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