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The Punisher February 6th, 2008 04:10 PM

Hey Guys
Hey listen a lot of people have complained to me so I decided to voice my and their opinion....I wish I still had access to the private forum so I could put this there but obviously I dont.....I've noticed for a while that during the day and sometimes at night there is rarely an admin in the server I know the admins now play as much as they can (and this isnt at all negative towards you guys so please dont get the wrong idea) and when certain admins are in there its great but when there not and I speak for a lot of people here I know this, sometimes its really lame......maybe my opinion doesnt matter as much as I think it does but I felt the need to say it. I personally have asked for gag (because I already have the vote options) and I still would like it but thats a whole other story. I do play a lot and regardless of how I am in the server I think its something worth considering. Plus I am trying to stop being such an asshole. lol.

Just wanted to say that and hopefully we can figure something out. Also, again please dont take this the wrong way I know most of you do as much as you can. Thanks, :D

BuLLeT February 6th, 2008 04:23 PM

i'd say give some regulars vote kick. I know at Mamma Jamma's they have a bunch of ppl with Very low powers, such as vote kick, and csay. Doesn't do much but if the kids a noob and see he has a vote for himself up and csay across the screen warning them, then maybe he may stop.
For loud and annoying ppl, just know how to mute, i dont care if others need to deal with them as long as i dont need to hear them IMO...

Jonny Automatic February 7th, 2008 09:42 AM

shame dod doesnt have the ability to quick mute like in NS lol

timmy! February 7th, 2008 10:43 AM

console -> player list -> mute in game voice

^^ happy happy joy joy =P

buck_futter February 7th, 2008 12:54 PM

except when it mutes 2-3 other people as well or they just dont show up on the list at all.

BuLLeT February 7th, 2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by buck_futter (Post 14276)
except when it mutes 2-3 other people as well or they just dont show up on the list at all.


plus anyway alot of the time id rather just use "voice_enable 0" and just use vent. but i like to hear punisher steamy hot voice, it gets me off for the night.... anyway i play alot better when i dont talk to others.

ps. buck im tellin mom u are on a computer, fuckin ugly twat

buck_futter February 7th, 2008 03:13 PM

lol what are you 4 or just british?

xxkrissixx February 7th, 2008 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by BuLLeT (Post 14277)

ps. buck im tellin mom u are on a computer, fuckin ugly twat


The Punisher February 7th, 2008 03:35 PM

Obviously I know how to mute but thanks.

This post was obviously pointless....

HAWKEYE February 7th, 2008 03:53 PM

you learn quick punisher:P ill be on more maybe

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