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oldfart March 7th, 2008 10:29 PM

Query regarding dod_blockexploits
Hi all,

We run a server that has dod_blockexploits installed and get the occasional offender picked up by it.

We also have a "monitor" parsing all the real-time data that comes from logaddress_add, so we can update our player stats as well as track who gets banned and by whom. (I have modified plmenu and pmenufront to do this).

I would also like to get "Real Time" information about who your plugin kicks/bans for a "Hall of Shame" - but I cannot detect any messages from your plug-in in the normal feed or log files only in the logs from your plug-in.

Is it possible to have this information "logged" to the console etc.

Will Beattie
aka OldFart

Server: |WaD| DOD Server +FF + Alltalk
Forums: http://wad.tals.com.au

diamond-optic March 7th, 2008 11:44 PM

ya i could add normal hl log output (which should send it thru the server console first)

any specific format you'd like it in? or is same as the dod_blockexploits log file format fine?

oldfart March 8th, 2008 01:04 AM

Hi diamond-optic,

Thanks for the quick response.

The short answer is "whatever is easiest for you".

The parser is in PHP and it will be a trivial change in there.


diamond-optic March 9th, 2008 07:10 PM

ok im gonna try and get around to posting a new release tomorrow that will have logging to the default hl log files.. the msgs should look something like this:

when the logging option is on....
all detections (no matter what action is taken) should print a msg like this:
PHP Code:

[DoD BlockExploits"playername" <steamid> <ipaddress> <detected> <detection_name

then if an action is taken there should be a 2nd msg as well thats looks like this:
PHP Code:

[DoD BlockExploits"playername" <steamid> <ipaddress> <ACTION> <detection_name

the playername, steamid, ipaddress parts should be self explanatory as to what will replace them.. the detection_name is replaced by whatever the server admin sets in the config file for the plugin... and the ACTION part will be replaced by 'blocked', 'kicked', or 'banned' depending on which action is taken ontop of the detection.

so you should be able to catch ALL detections, and then seperately catch blocked, kicked, and banned actions...

also if it would be easier for you, i can change all the
PHP Code:


sections to
PHP Code:


or the other way around.. not sure which will be easiest for you to parse

oldfart March 10th, 2008 03:24 AM

Hi diamond-optic,

I really appreciate you help in this area.

I could quite readily use the following method ..

I will create a new page on our forums, a "Hall of Shame" as soon as I change the parser. It will log (in MySQL) and display in (nearly) Real Time as well as adding them to our "Recent Ban/Recent Kick" pages.

I would be pleased if we could applaud both your efforts and time with a comment and a link in our forums.

Will Beattie aka OldFart

diamond-optic March 10th, 2008 03:18 PM

alright a new version is available now




let me know if this logging stuff works for you now and if theres anything else you need for it :)

Mr_Mee March 10th, 2008 06:24 PM

Me or Oldie will keep you update on how it's running.
oh i'm the sucker who installs it. :)

Mr_Mee March 10th, 2008 06:46 PM

forgot to ask, will it run on AMX 76c ? i am shaw i read somewhere you have compiled it for 76d and above, yeah ??


diamond-optic March 10th, 2008 07:02 PM

well you could try the one for 1.76d, it might work without a problem.. but I will try to get ahold of 1.76c to compile it for that when i get a chance

diamond-optic March 10th, 2008 07:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok nevermind it was faster then i thought it would be lol..

i attached the 1.76c compiled version and i will update the downloads in a moment

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