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Pope August 28th, 2006 10:29 AM

Alright, wtf.

What's going on? I thought we had a respectable team. The next thing ya know i'm getting emails about how shitty our admins are. That's awesome guys. It really feels great when we put years into creating a community that everyone can enjoy, and then get complaints about OUR admins being assholes.

Toad, Buck, I dont know what's been going on when I havent been around. But I've been getting emails from people complaining about you two. The last guys I would ever suspect getting complaints. So Diamonds dropped you from the team, and forums. What burns me even more is that you show no respect and dig yourself a deeper hole by spamming the boards you've been barred from.

If you're tired of DOD, and have nothing better to do then exploit the server, and abuse admin for some extra fun, do it elsewhere. We've worked very hard to get where we are today, and it blows my mind that "we" would be fucking it up. When you play in cdrive servers, you don't only represent yourself you represent our team. Show some respect.

Don't take your fucking nerves out on Cdrive. If you have an issue, email me, or diamond.

velocity August 31st, 2006 08:32 PM


r4ndom September 11th, 2006 06:25 AM

Very well said.

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