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-   -   Firearms Server Skills (https://forums.avamods.com/server-mod-support/2604-firearms-server-skills.html)

spoonisbad April 20th, 2020 09:14 PM

Firearms Server Skills
Would you please reconsider turning on the original skills system in the firearms server? Part of the fun is building kills, and choosing your skills.

diamond-optic April 21st, 2020 11:57 AM

sure lol.. I honestly didnt expect anyone to even be on it ever and just put it up for my own nostalgic entertainment

spoonisbad April 21st, 2020 02:31 PM

Hell yeah, thanks! Imagine my surprise when I booted up FA for the first time in 10+ years and there was a server :D.

spoonisbad April 21st, 2020 02:47 PM

just gave it a try, works like a charm. Thanks again! I'll be in there after work today for sure.

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