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-   -   Adding ladders via the .bsp in notepad.exe (https://forums.avamods.com/server-mod-support/2616-adding-ladders-via-bsp-notepad-exe.html)

BuLLeT FoDDeR January 8th, 2023 10:51 PM

Adding ladders via the .bsp in notepad.exe
Hi, I've been editing some existing maps in notepad.exe to do things like switch to British weapons, move flags, move spawn points. I was curious if anyone had any insight on how to add something like a ladder to an existing map or a model that can block/you can jump on. I'm not talking about decompiling the map and changing it that way. I just want to do this stuff in a text editor. Please help if you know how to do this if this is even possible. Thanks.

hlfreak May 4th, 2024 08:43 PM

adding models or entities to ,bsp
check out this program it might help https://github.com/UnrealKaraulov/newbspguy/releases

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