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-   -   How to become a moderator (https://forums.avamods.com/server-mod-support/2617-how-become-moderator.html)

George January 22nd, 2023 02:51 PM

How to become a moderator
Hey! Is there any possibility to become a moderator at AVA server? I like it a lot and trying to play a few times in a week. Please let me know of the steps :) THX

WaldoJ May 28th, 2023 07:18 PM

Why would you want that?!

diamond-optic June 9th, 2023 01:41 AM

you still dressing up as a pirate?


Originally Posted by WaldoJ (Post 25362)
Why would you want that?!

diamond-optic June 9th, 2023 01:44 AM

the avamods server is still running?


Originally Posted by George (Post 25361)
Hey! Is there any possibility to become a moderator at AVA server? I like it a lot and trying to play a few times in a week. Please let me know of the steps :) THX

worst dod player ever June 25th, 2023 12:52 PM

Still getting a kick out of it. I get my life threatened every time I hop on and try to enjoy a game. :D

buck_futter January 29th, 2024 09:42 PM

u gotta bake a cake that says "avamods owns me"

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