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Server / Mod Support Discuss our servers - Questions, requests, complaints, etc.. Need help with your server? Have any amxx questions/suggestions?

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 3rd, 2007
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Default Feedback on a Couple of Mods

Just offering feedback on a couple of mods that I downloaded from your site. I tried using the bot controlling plugin with ShrikeBot and ended up with some strange problems with, I am assuming, death messages. I've had this problem with DOD before with other mods that I tried to use, bodies stay standing, or floating in midair after death, or appear as if the client has crashed (frozen and "shaking").

The stamina mod that reduces stamina as damage is taken caused alot of problems. About half the bots on each team would stay dead, similar to the problem that occurred with SturmBot on para maps, only not the entire team. I am using the gore plugin and the heart beat wouldn't go away once it started. I'm trying to think if there were any other problems, but those are the only ones I can think of right now.

This isn't by way of criticism, I'm just offering feedback, and thank you for making the mods available for download.

edit: I suppose it is worthwhile me posting a list of the other 3rd party mods I am running. As far as I know these are all the latest versions available for all these plugins.

dod_blockexploits14_176c.amxx dod_random_skymap.amxx dod_forceparticlefx.amxx deagsmapmanage230b.amxx ;cdrive_botmod.amxx emptyserver.amxx ;dodx_tk_manager.amxx dod_teammanager.amxx idlekicker.amxx clan_tag_checker.amxx saycmd.amxx swear_filter.amxx dod_shellshock.amxx ;dod_staminahp_remake.amxx dod_tackle.amxx dod_fadetoblack.amxx dod_gore_custom.amxx dod_follow_the_wounded.amxx

edit again: Doesn't seem to be including my sig yet, so here is the information in that.

AMD Athlon 1200 512MB SDRAM Debian Sarge 3.1 stable Linux custom kernel Metamod 1.19 p28 AMX Mod X 1.76c

Last edited by Drek; January 3rd, 2007 at 01:18 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 3rd, 2007
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Default Hrm.

The stamina mod that reduces stamina as damage is taken caused alot of problems. About half the bots on each team would stay dead

Did this only happen with bots? Not players? The only possible error I see in the code is the possibility of a float trying to be assigned to an integer. However, I'm not exactly sure how the processor handles that kind of mismatch (or even if it assigns proper types when it compiles) so I can't say for sure.

dod_set_stamina(victim, STAMINA_SET, 0, (100 - (stamina / ratio)))

Maybe try typesetting the (100 - (stamina / ratio)) to integer and see if she works. Maybe it's just some kind of unseen conflict between your other plugins. Further:

dod_staminahp "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0)
dod_staminahp_starthp "100" //HP level at which to start lowering max stamina
dod_staminahp_raio "2" //Ammount of HP that will subtract 1 stamina point

Was the description. The 3rd cvar:

dod_staminahp_raio "2" //Ammount of HP that will subtract 1 stamina point

should actually be
dod_staminahp_ratio "2" //Ammount of HP that will subtract 1 stamina point

Although that won't cause any errors since the default value is set to 2 in the plugin. Just a sidenote. ;0

As far as the Gore plugin goes...
For some reason the task set isn't unique to replay the sound. It simply uses the ID return of the player...this could be getting turned off by another plugin that uses a task with value ID. So, you need to go ahead and add an odd value to the ID so that the task will be not only unique but also obtainable. Maybe include a #define at the beginning of the plugin.

#define GORE_HEADSHOT (1<<0) // "a" #define GORE_BLOOD (1<<1) // "b" #define GORE_BLEEDING (1<<2) // "c" #define GORE_EXTRA (1<<3) // "d" #define GORE_BRAINS (1<<4) // "e" #define GORE_HEARTBEAT (1<<5) // "f"


#define GORE_HEADSHOT (1<<0) // "a" #define GORE_BLOOD (1<<1) // "b" #define GORE_BLEEDING (1<<2) // "c" #define GORE_EXTRA (1<<3) // "d" #define GORE_BRAINS (1<<4) // "e" #define GORE_HEARTBEAT (1<<5) // "f" #define P_UNIQUE_HEARTBEAT_TASK 2020


public event_respawn(id) { if(is_user_connected(id) && is_user_alive(id)) { is_bleeding[id] = false is_beating[id] = false if(task_exists(id)) remove_task(id) } }

Could be made to

public event_respawn(id) { if(is_user_connected(id) && is_user_alive(id)) { is_bleeding[id] = false is_beating[id] = false if(task_exists(id+P_UNIQUE_HEARTBEAT_TASK)) remove_task(id+P_UNIQUE_HEARTBEAT_TASK) } }

And you'd have to follow the fx_heartbeat function up with the same change.

These are just quick observations which might not actually do a damned thing. Just possibilities that exist. Hope something helps.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 3rd, 2007
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I wasn't clear with what I said about the heartbeat on the gore plugin. It worked just fine once I disabled the stamina plugin. I absolutely love the gore plugin, in my opinion that is the best gore plugin I have ever seen. I removed the d flag to tone it down just a bit, but it truly rocks.

As for the respawning problem, I respawned with no problem, it was only the bots that weren't respawning. Exactly half of them started dead and stayed that way. And I guess even with that I'm not being clear, they didn't spawn at all, they just started out dead and stayed that way. Likely there is some kind of conflict with ShrikeBot, but I have no idea what that would be.
AMD Athlon XP 1700+
Debian Etch 4.0 stable
Linux custom kernel
Metamod-P 1.19 p32
AMX Mod X 1.80

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  #4 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old January 3rd, 2007
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as for the bot plugin.. thats def. buggy lol.. i dont run it anymore myself... I had noticed several problems with it and couldnt figure them out.. but for the most part i havent really had time to look into it too seriously.. plus i think depending on your class restrictions you could get more problems.. as i believe everything is hard coded as per how i had my server.. im not sure.. its a pretty old plugin lol.. i should probably put like a 'use at your own risk' warning on that lol

and santa, lol.. im an idiot for not using diff task ids


but still.. i cant see how the stamina plugin would be causing problems with the heartbeat

also.. what do you mean it wouldnt go away? as in you respawned and it was still being played?

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 3rd, 2007
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Quote: Originally Posted by diamond-optic View Post
also.. what do you mean it wouldnt go away? as in you respawned and it was still being played?

yeah it does that on the server as well occassionally
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  #6 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old January 3rd, 2007
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hmm maybe sometimes the death forward doesnt catch it.. i'll add another check on client spawn..


hmm wierd there already is one lol..

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 5th, 2007
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Default Fakemeta?

hmm maybe sometimes the death forward doesnt catch it

I've been wondering..why don't you use the Fakemeta? It's supposed to help clarify problems with the auto-forwarding. ;0
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  #8 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old January 5th, 2007
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fakemeta for forwarding client deaths?


im going to try these out with the dodx beta zor is working on and see if the stuff he did to fix false tk's might have fixed other problems with the dodx death forward

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

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