July 19th, 2007
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 3rd, 2006
Status: roxified
Posts: 1,068
OMG dont get me started on possums...my retarded ex bf loves to leave the garage door open at night, specially the night before the garbage pick up when theres a couple bags there... my dryer is in the garage as well so I do laundry there. last year sometime I started hearing noises and realized one night at 3 in the am that we had a family of possums living in our garage.. they look like demons and are nasty little bastards. I went to get my laundry, one was sitting on my dryer hissing at me.. next night i had the pellet gun set up and waiting.. so when i saw them, two ran out the door, but i got one and it fell in a box on the shelf below it, thought it was dead.. the jerky ex refused to get up to come help me, so in the morning he went to throw the box out and the fucker was still alive..it started twisting and hissing and thrashing about..blood all over.. my ex was like a big girl screaming (6'6" 350lbs go figure) so i went up and shot it in the head. they havent been back since.. however everytime i see one, or its in my path at night with the truck I do my best to plow them down.. Ive gotten two so far that way 