September 16th, 2007
forum n00b
Join Date: September 13th, 2007
Status: No Status
Posts: 4
Kicked and banned
Alright so I was playing just a bit ago on the avamods server. I spawned at the axis spawn and I see on the flag thing that there is a guy there. I jump out on the tank and use me mg. Coltran (sorry if I'm spelling the name wrong) tells me not to do that, I ask why and he said because he said so. Then I died and respawn but from the other side and I am on like the slope part and moving up some with my mg to kill a guy at the flag. As I was moving up I would just spray a bit. Then after the flag gets capped Coltran kicks and bans me for 1 hour. I looked in the console and he said like I guess he didn't get it. I know it was just an hour ban but I never knew playing the game was a bad thing to do. Like I wasn't on the tank again unloading on that area. Basically I just wanted to post this showing that I thought it was a bit unfair and somewhat a misuse of admin ability.