September 26th, 2007
forum n00b
Join Date: September 5th, 2007
Status: No Status
Posts: 5
slink cock
So i'm perfectly fine with people who talk trash, even people who run up to me and block me occasionally. Or the people who blow shit up when I'm reloading behind it and kill me. I'm even fine with mic spammers, mainly because I don't have any sound at all, but even if i did, its a simple couple of clicks to get rid of it.
People who hack, even worse, advertise how to get the hacks, are just unacceptable. I don't care if you think its funny, it's not. It's annoying for the people who actually want to play the game. It's ok that you aren't good enough to keep up with the better players without them, but actually try... don't just find the easy way out. You'll regret that train of thought when you're living out of a card board box with no friends.
I've attached a couple screenshots, hope that it worked since I usually just use imageshack, that I'm hoping are taken into consideration. Demo was useless since I'm better (so are most people who have played the game for a week) without an aimbot, so none of it looked bad. From a walling perspective, it's not exactly hard to prefire people in a pub if you've got sound, I mean I do it without any sound at all.