September 26th, 2007
forum n00b
Join Date: September 5th, 2007
Status: No Status
Posts: 5
so, obviously the fact that this was over the internet kinda killed it. I wasn't actually trying to say he was hacking, since yes, unfortunately I was conned into clicking on a goatse link when it first came out. There were a couple people who were really into getting 'the hack', and a couple people who were complaining about it, so I figured to continue the joke this would be the only logical way to do it.
I've played with slink enough to know that he doesn't hack. Just didn't quite work as a joke when you type it all out, and now that I've reread it, I can see why... it seems like I'm an 8 year old trying to get someone banned for being a haxxor lol.