September 29th, 2007
forum n00b
Join Date: September 13th, 2007
Status: No Status
Posts: 4
Suspicous Attribute
Well I am currently playing at the time of this post and there is this guy that doesn't die with a shot from the american sniper rifle. I was up in double windows and the first time I hit him and it said 120 damage, and another guy was shooting him at the same time so I thought maybe it was just a mess up in the game. But then I get a round off on him again and it does 120 damage and he doesn't die. In all my experiences on the AvaMods server and shooting people with the sniper rifle, they die almost always from a single shot unless I'm on the run and I hit their big toe and it does like 90 damage. Also unless I don't know that the server gives people more health but it said I was doing 120 damage to him. Like I said, unless we get more than 120 health then I can see how I'm not killing him, but I don't think we do and still I usually kill people with one shot unless in the previously stated situation.
Here is the persons steam ID and their Handle
GIRL| Austin" 2964 STEAM_0:0:10013082 31 09:43 33 0
I hope that this incident doesn't take much time or is much of a hassle to you all.