October 7th, 2007
obsessed with this forum
Join Date: June 22nd, 2005
Status: No Status
Posts: 1,162
This is Billy's father just to let every one know Billy or as u may know him as BuLLeT has passed away in a car accident a week ago. We are very saddened by this event and are in deepest sympathy for our loss. We know that billy loved to be on the computer and i had my son get in contact with all the people Billy was associated with to let them know of Billy's status. My son has told me to let Diamond Optic know that he and my son has total control over all his Steam based servers (Counter strike, Counter Strike Source, Day of Defeat, any others, said he used the same admin Password for all of them)
As BuLLeT's Brothers says... "May he rick roll for life"