October 29th, 2007
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: October 8th, 2007
Location: Lexington, SC
Status: No Status
Posts: 723
=( that's not very nice, i've seemed to of pressed some buttons, i'm sorry.
Here's my secret to getting so many headshots from the top of blue with a bar. I move around so I'm never going back to the same spot, also with me being up that high, the top your head will be the closests part of your anatomy to the bullets. I also drink energy drinks before I come in there, so my reaction time and aim is usually better than normal. I also like a little music too pump me up while I play.
I truly am sorry if I pushed your buttons a little too much, was not my intent. If you do decide to perm ban, than I want to thank all of you for a unique playing experience as well as a good time. It's why I made your server my DoD server of choice. =)