bitch im 21, i'll drink your ass under the table.
I'll probly be in the city that night anyway for my friends BMX video premiere. that starts at 9ish.
u know the age limit cause i'll be with buck and hes 18
but honestly, if i do go to the video premiere, and Mercury Lounge is between East 3rd Street and Penn station i'll def stop in and shot the shit with my buddy...i'll let ya know more info when the date nears.
*edit*: Mercury lounge is like 1 block away from the Theater thats playing the premiere, so if i do go to see the video(which i am 95% sure i am) i will stop in and check out the show.... pm me your cell #
Last edited by BuLLeT; December 20th, 2007 at 08:10 PM.