April 7th, 2008
obsessed with this forum
Join Date: June 22nd, 2005
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Posts: 1,162
heres a recent one... callin some numbers that punisher, redrocket and soup were giving me to do some prank phone calls, supposedly they were friends of theirs that they were giving me. But any who, i wish one of the 3 morons i mention recored a demo but they probly didnt't....
any how, punisher gave me a number and it rang and the guy said:
Guy - "Front Desk"
(now i thought it was a hotel or something so i was kinda like this is gunna be gay.
but w/e so kinda was a lame call till i was like,)
Guy - "This is the front desk. How can i help you?"
Me - "You can help me by finding Mikey"
Guy -"There is no mikey here. This is the 4th precent"
Me - "Oh, ok bye"
Fuckin douche bag for giving me that number, but it was a good joke. GG punny!