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Old March 31st, 2006
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diamond-optic diamond-optic is offline
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Join Date: March 13th, 2005
Location: Upstate New York
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a distant relative to lsd, very very very distant....

lazyman's acid, as in, too lazy to get the real stuff..

ive tried it a few times, but seeing as i had done lsd many times prior, its was a massive disappointment, the only people that i know that have ever said lsa was any good were all people that have either never done lsd (or even psilocybin) or they never 'truly' experienced it..

and ive done what supposidly are high doses of lsa, thank god im never going to take that crap again lol.. tho i still have a bunch of it thats just sitting around..

to be honest with ya, I get closer to 'tripping' if i eat like pot brownies or smoke a rediculous amount then i did when i took lsa..

alot of people who dont know what they are talking about, say that all blotter thats around is layed with lsa.. def. not true, at least of all the blotter that passed thru me was def not lsa.. you would have to eat at least a whole sheet of blotter to reach a right dose of lsa...

ugghhh now i feel the need to go smoke..

Last edited by diamond-optic; March 31st, 2006 at 06:07 PM.