Quote: Originally Posted by
mein gott 
lol ok time for a history lesson
shutzstaffel were SS.. I'm heer, how can you tell?..
Adler on the chest ( SS wore it on the sleeve)
Collar Litzen (Heer Litzen) not runes
Tunic is a M36, SS Algemeine wore the black and the waffen SS wore a different tunic
The Schutzstaffel was divided into 2 groups; Algemeine Schutzstaffel ( nazi group ) and Waffen Schutzstaffek ( special forces nazi group )
Shutzstaffel is shorten down to SS.
Now, lets recap...

no no no... sorry shoulda clarrified.. there was a crazy regular back in the day on the cdrive server named Shutzstaffel and he also reanacted for ww2 battles. he had a cute gun collection of vintage ww2 stuff.. and he was an alcoholic

a cool one tho!