July 27th, 2008
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 3rd, 2006
Status: roxified
Posts: 1,068
yeah unintentionally because you didnt know it was him, and if you did what youd have said instead would have probably gone something like this..
"OMG dia! I didnt know it was you! omg omg , omg you play so good, youre like the BEST dod player ever, you so totally own me, wow I totally didnt know it was you I dont want you to misunderstand me because id NEVER say anything to YOU diamond, omg were friends right? You dont hate me right?hey, can I still have gag? no? ah thats ok man, Im just kidding! Hey diamond, can I suck your dick yet? NO? ah hey, its ok man, im just kidding!hey diamond, youre so fucking awesome! If i could stick my head any further up your ass Id be kissing your intestines!! let me know if theres ANYTHING I can do to beg and grovel further!Love ya!"