August 3rd, 2008
occasional visitor
Join Date: August 19th, 2007
Location: Tampa
Status: No Status
Posts: 22
On the subject of faggots i just dealt with gunn and his nade glitching (where stairway meets blueroom) and he didn't care that he did it, even after i heard the admins tell him not to be gay, because none where online...
that, and i could shoot him in the chest, hear the fucking bullets impacting and he takes zero damage and bayonetes me... wtf?
the noise of bullets ripping into flesh cant happen with no damage taking place, right?
i'd rather "cry" about glitching bitches than to deal with assholes like that playing 4 v 4 when i'm just trying to kill shit to relax
i mean, if you're the "man" like he insists he is, why need to glitch and camp the window into axis ally?
so, to summarize, he's a cock-gurgling whore.