August 11th, 2008
i dont want a goldfish
Join Date: March 13th, 2005
Location: Upstate New York
Status: hazey
Posts: 3,259
mysql speed
i doubt any of you know shit about this.. maybe gott if any of you lol..
but im wondering if theres any config settings i can tweak with MySQL (v5 now) to speed it up a little without using a ton of RAM....
right now it averages about 100-150mb out of my 2gb total so i can still spare some but i dont wanna go crazy with that as id like to use my pc for stuff other then running a mysql server
a little more speed with inserts and such would be great right now as ive got 3+ years of logs to reprocess and having that go faster would be a nice bonus lol.. but the config stuff is a bit confusing and im sick of going in circles on google trying to find details about it all
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.