August 14th, 2008
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: May 8th, 2008
Location: Mass
Status: No Status
Posts: 108
Well you can't trust the russians. From my point of view Georgia needs our support because they are an allie in the war on terror, which if any of you think that is not a real threat then go move to Yemen, or the Gaza strip to find out for yourself. Do i think we should get involved militarily...no. But what they ( the russians ) are doing is kind of fucked. People say we had no reason to go to iraq or afghanistan, but we were attacked on our own soil, and 3,000 americans were killed, thats a reason. Apparently this is over some border issue.....think about it. I could go on and on about this stuff, just remember when you read or hear about this kind of stuff think about the freedoms that we have and our way of live, it may not be perfect but its a whole hell of a lot better than almost anywhere. This is just my opinions and views so if you think otherwise than we can agree to disagree.