August 16th, 2008
forum n00b
Join Date: August 16th, 2008
Status: No Status
Posts: 1
Trix's Admin Abuse
I've played on this server quite a bit. I like the server cause of the additional mods, it's got a nice feel to it.
So I've never really had any problems with any of the admins in the past. I've tolerated a few random kicks or "console quit" (eviladmin) over the duration. That doesn't really bother me. So since this Trix fella has started playing on this server again he's taken the pleasure of just kicking me because he gets frustrated by my playing while on the opposite team. I've never cheated at any point and time and I don't talk trash in the server. Those I play with regularly would know I don't talk unless spoken to.
I've asked why he keeps kicking me and the only explanation I've heard was that I was camping. Again those who've seen me play on a regular basis would know I don't camp.
I don't know if posting here will do anything since the other night 2 other admins joined him in spectator mode either to watch or participate heckling me with explosion effects making me drop my weapon. There's also been numerous kill (suicide) commands he does in order to get under my skin.
It's been escalating more and more, the latest is a 10 minute ban. So who knows what's going to be next? day bans, perma bans?
Some of you may say "Oh that's how he always is or he's always a jerk like that". Doesn't matter what excuse is brought to the table. Someone that acts like this should either mature or not be given admin access.
[AvaBans] Reason: 'testing'
[AvaBans] Length: '10 minutes'
[AvaBans] Your SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:4285103'
[AvaBans] Your IP: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx