August 23rd, 2008
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: July 11th, 2008
Status: No Status
Posts: 63
Just so you all know
I barely use admin, buckfutter is the only person I have banned, and it was for a mere 30mins, enough time to take a piss and make sandwich. I use bazooka exploit sometimes, I don't spam or shoot people thru floors, I shoot the ceiling and kill people in the room, similar to if I was to throw a nade within the room. I've never told anyone not to use the bazooka expolit since it doesn' t bother me and I was under the impression that the use of the bazooka exploit was up to the admin to enforce if they choose to. Buckfutter you were asked to not nade glitch, a simple task that you could not do. You also nade glitched before I bazooka glitched which I think makes this whole thing so funny. I may not have had admin long, (Punisher) but I am an avamods admin, and when I say something "adminlike" it should be taken seriously, and people who have played in avamods long enough, should respect the server enough to listen to the admin. No matter who the admin is. And yes Bullet I am a girl, and I know the main reason I got admin was bc Weenie and I have the same Steam account, but it doesn't change the fact that diamond still made the choice to make both Weenie and I an admin. And certain people need to pull a cock out of their ass and get over it.