August 24th, 2008
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: July 11th, 2008
Status: No Status
Posts: 63
Buckfutter are you slow? I don't understand how you haven't gotten this yet. I didn't ban you for using the bazooka glitch, I banned you for nade glitching, you could have used the bazooka if all you wanted to do was glitch without getting banned at the time. You basically made the choice to get banned, so just get over it already. You were asked not to nade glitch, and told if you did it again you would be banned, and YOU made the choice to continue, stop bitching. It was your choice for getting banned. I hope you keep nade glitching beacuse if I see it I will ban you again, but it won't be 30mins next time, I will ban you for enough time it will actually deserve this much drama.