September 1st, 2008
Helpful Avamods Admin
Join Date: September 7th, 2006
Status: :_
Posts: 1,412
well, my trillian has logs, would you like me to post them all? and if u didnt want me to be nice to you, you coulda said so we can fix that fast. this has nothing to do with nice
and i didnt answer you right away because i was fucking sleeping. wtf do you thinks gonna happen? you come on and talk shit about a member of the CLAN, who are gonna stick together no matter what.. because he banned you for being a fucking asshole and telling him to shut up. you must be confused, and your post confirms that. overlooked.. rly thats fucking rich.ohh coltron youre 2 faced lol ok again let me say INTERNET i dont care what you say. i didnt do or say anythng to lead you to believe otherwise. stop acting like a dick and youll stop getting shit on.