September 1st, 2008
Former AvaMods Member But Now Just A Bitch
Join Date: September 11th, 2006
Status: anal rape
Posts: 301
Wow...This got outa control real quick...I only got one thing to say, and it's for bullet...
Bullet why can't u ever mind ur fuckin business what's the point in making a comment on something that has nothing to do with you...Honestly just shut the fuck up...
I think i have pointed out before ur opinion means nothing...And sadly for me your exactly like ur fuckin brother...
Which is why no one gives a fuck what you say...I for along time thought u were the same person...
Then i was proven wrong...Now i was right the whole fuckin time...Your one and the same...
Get ur own fuckin idea's and fuck off...
As for Punisher Say what u gotta say I'm sorry to see this end like this...
And before i hear any shit...U didn't have my vote into avamods...U were a loyal regular but Honestly i didn't have trust in putting admin in ur hands..No stabbin in the back here...Just telling it like it is...
If u need more explained i'll be happy to talk to you...This ain't the place for that shit...