November 29th, 2008
Helpful Avamods Admin
Join Date: September 7th, 2006
Status: :_
Posts: 1,412
Ok so, im fucking sitting here, dling stuff, and Ducktape (who has regular fucking recoil btw!) msgs me..
ducktape: igot banned again lols
ducktape: i think it was for an hour tho
COLTRON: for what
ducktape: punisher being a faggot
COLTRON: unbanned
ducktape: noiiicee
ducktape: thanks
2 mins later.
ducktape: come in the server
COLTRON: i cant
COLTRON: why tho
ducktape: soup is being a queer
ducktape: hes blocking spawn in hill classic and spamming music
ducktape: i feel gay snitching lol
So i go in. Sure enough, exactly what Ducktape said is happening. so i say, hey soupnazi ur banned. then all the sudden...
The Punisher: yo stop
The Punisher: gay coltron is coming in
The Punisher: dont do it anymore
The Punisher: no stop
The Punisher is now Offline.
He meant to send that to soupnazi. Punisher was on spec, just watching him do it.
So then, some kid cfp calls me a fucking fag, so hes permbanned too.
Soupnazi starts msging me, come on dude unban me. when i dont respond hes like wow youre really a fucking queer. so i close the window w him
then comes loads of aim msgs from punisher.
[17:48] xcasxperx: ur fucking banned too
[17:48] xcasxperx: suck a dick
17:48] pun pun: you talked so much shit about me
17:48] xcasxperx: ok
[17:48] xcasxperx: i dont give a fuck
[17:48] xcasxperx: cya
[17:48] pun pun: lol
[17:48] pun pun: ok
[17:48] pun pun: reason for ban
[17:48] pun pun: ?
[17:49] xcasxperx:
The Punisher: yo stop
The Punisher: gay coltron is coming in
The Punisher: dont do it anymore
The Punisher: no stop
The Punisher is now Offline.
[17:49] xcasxperx: ur done here
[17:49] xcasxperx: forever
[17:49] pun pun: bc i saw u unban the kid i banned for shooting in spawn
[17:49] xcasxperx: and im going to ban you both from the forums right now
[17:49] pun pun: and i was told by several people u talked mad shit about me
[17:49] pun pun: ok
[17:50] xcasxperx: i dont care
[17:50] pun pun: ok have fun
[17:50] xcasxperx: yep
[17:50] pun pun: just proves your twofaced[17:50] xcasxperx: lol
[17:50] xcasxperx: again, i care
[17:51] pun pun: so ur bannign me bc i said u were gay?
[17:51] pun pun: outside of the server
[17:51] pun pun: after you said way worse about me
[17:51] pun pun: ?
[17:51] pun pun: jus so we can get this straight
[17:51] xcasxperx: oh and what did i say?
[17:52] pun pun: that im a fucking joke
[17:52] pun pun: that you cant stand me
[17:52] pun pun: that im a fagget
[17:52] pun pun: that i'll never get admin as long as ur around
[17:52] xcasxperx: OR EVER
[17:52] xcasxperx: WHEN ANYONE IS AROUND
[17:52] xcasxperx: EVER
[17:52] pun pun: i dont care about the admin
[17:52] pun pun: but theres no need to be nice to me in the server
[17:52] xcasxperx: u dont care?
[17:52] xcasxperx: u have no idea
[17:53] pun pun: and talk shit about me when im not
[17:53] xcasxperx: believe what u want
[17:53] pun pun: i heard it from several people
[17:53] xcasxperx: doesnt affect this
[17:53] pun pun: and i knew u were coming in
[17:53] xcasxperx: i dont care
[17:53] pun pun: to ban me
[17:53] pun pun: and soup
[17:53] xcasxperx: great
[17:53] pun pun: lol ok man
[17:53] pun pun: just proves my statement
[17:53] pun pun: TWOFACED.
[17:54] xcasxperx: i dont care
[17:54] pun pun: ohh cant take the truth
[17:54] pun pun: thats cute
[17:54] xcasxperx: lol
[17:54] xcasxperx: if u heard it from all these ppl
[17:54] pun pun: i dont deserve to be banned so do whatever u want
[17:54] xcasxperx: ud be saying who they wee
[17:54] pun pun: no i woudnt
[17:54] xcasxperx: oh dont u worry
[17:54] pun pun: actually
[17:54] xcasxperx: way ahead of u
[17:55] pun pun: bc its people u know
[17:55] xcasxperx: yea
[17:55] pun pun: and i dont want u to throw another temper tantrum and ban them
[17:55] xcasxperx: dont care about them either
[17:55] xcasxperx: see
[17:55] xcasxperx: i do what i want
[17:55] xcasxperx: dont fucking forget it
[17:55] pun pun: lol your tough man its a video game
[17:55] pun pun: calm down
[17:55] xcasxperx: me calm down
[17:56] xcasxperx: ur the one crying about a ban
[17:56] pun pun: banning me only proves that your twofaced and immature
[17:56] xcasxperx: i diodnt message u pussy
[17:56] pun pun: yea u did
[17:56] pun pun: to rub it in that ur banning me
[17:56] pun pun: lol
[17:56] pun pun: you need to stop taking things so seriously
[17:56] xcasxperx: no
[17:56] pun pun: omg i called u gay
[17:56] pun pun: wahhh
[17:56] pun pun: cry about it
[17:57] xcasxperx: because u promote intentional blocking and spamming of the server
[17:57] xcasxperx: go play magic, it suits u better
[17:57] pun pun: i dont play that first of all
[17:57] pun pun: but ok
[17:57] xcasxperx: omg ur banned
[17:57] xcasxperx: waaaah
[17:57] xcasxperx: cry about it
[17:57] pun pun: i plan to
[17:57] pun pun: lol
[17:57] xcasxperx: good luck
[17:57] pun pun: thanks
[17:57] xcasxperx: even if it gets undone
[17:57] xcasxperx: ill just redo it every day
[17:58] pun pun: well that only proves you have no life
[17:58] xcasxperx: ok
[17:58] pun pun: i apoligize for calling you gay
[17:58] xcasxperx: again, care
[17:58] xcasxperx: im sorry u thought that was going to be ok
[17:58] pun pun: honeslty...if your really going to take something someone said over the internet to heart then i feel bad for you
[17:58] pun pun: i dont deserve to be perma banned
[17:59] pun pun: but you do whatever you want
[17:59] pun pun: bc u can
[17:59] pun pun: like u said
[17:59] xcasxperx: thanks for ur permission
[17:59] xcasxperx: cya again never
this really all stems from punisher votekicking and votebanning people for his enjoyment. im dont with him pretending to be admin.