January 25th, 2009
Join Date: January 19th, 2009
Status: No Status
Posts: 6
-NO spawn/excessive camping
First off. That's not spawn. If it was spawn, then you being directly underneath me, would constitute the very same violation you are accusing me off. So why don't you ban yourself? Oh wiat. I'm sorry, i forgot common courtesy and server rules don't apply to you. Oh, you would also violate server rule number 2.
Second, I have a routine, just like yours. You spawn, you run down mid, you nade axis first, yyou camp axis first a few mins, then you run into apt, camp window, then jump out, camp axis first, rinse and repeat.
Guess what? i have something similiar, i spawn, i call airstrike, then i run into axis sniper window, then to arch, where i camp for a few mins, pick off a few kills, most of the time it's you (because guess what? ur routine and mine happen to be around the same area). Then i run into the apt (from arch) where i proceed to red room. Where again, i stay a few mins, and if i'm still alive, i head to axis 2nd flag. You would of course noticed that, if you had specced me for more than5s. I have killed several ppl inside the apt, and several inside allied apts/sniper window. You would also have noticed that, if you bothered to ask anyone, or for that matter, watched the kill list.
But no, of course that's too much work. All you need is 5s of speccing me running from arch way to just inside the apt (where i get killed by cage) to conclude that I'm camping excessively.
Well, if that's camping excessivly, maybe you ought to ban all snipers and MG's. Or several other players who make a habit out of camping the apts.
But of course, no one else is banned, only me. Because you hate me for no apparent reason.
Oh and, If i could somehow spend 45 mins excessivly camping the archwya, while simultanously only spending 20 mins total on the server. Then i can prolly turn water into wine.