April 19th, 2009
forum n00b
Join Date: April 19th, 2009
Status: No Status
Posts: 1
Banned for no reason
I was playing on your server today. trying to have fun when I was banned for no reason. If you look at my steam ID I have never been banned before since I do not hack. I despise hackers.
There is no way your admin had reason to ban me accept for the fact that maybe he got upset I kept killing him. I have been playing for many years in competitive leagues but now I only pub since I do not have much time for games these days.
It would be great if you can look at any records you may have so you can see that I am a legit player. If you do not want me to play here, no problem I will not play here but to accuse me of hacking and even ban me for my good skills is wrong.