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Old June 28th, 2009
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Pope Pope is offline
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Join Date: March 13th, 2005
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Default A toast to avamods.

I really gotta say, you guys have done well with this server. From the good times, to the bad times, you've made the best out of a gaming server. It's not easy to find a good bunch of admins.

It's funny...
I remember asking diamond to be part of my community back in the day. He was the best admin I had. When I was busy, he would always be there to run the big show. I was reading an old post where diamond was covering his shoes and asked someone else to 'watch over' while he was gone. Ironic. But anyway, it was clear I left the right person in charge.

A toast to the community, diamond, and everyone else keeping dod on the map. Here here.
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